2005-01-26 - 1:45 a.m.

...my inevitable demise�

Procrastination�a characteristic that will eventually lead to my inevitable demise�

So I�m still here procrastinating�wasting these precious hours of exam study time to do sweet-fuck-all. This isn�t my first time, nor will it be last. But as the clock ticks by every second that could be devoted to studying or handing in those unfinished tasks have been used to surf the web, download and play guitar�it�s always good to have your priorities in order. Although it is too bad when your future comes in last place�but hey what can I say�. C�est la vie, or mine anyways.

Well I seem to have surpassed my two minute rule (a regulation that I have placed preventing me from perpetually complaining about my flaws, life and problems thus ridding the world around me of boredom and ultimately saving time)�how unfortunate that I myself don�t even follow the rule�it�s really more of an excuse so I don�t have to explain what I�m thinking, feeling, seeing�it doesn�t really work for those whom oblige to it. Only those around them, which ultimately is higher up on the priority scale then my happiness. Maybe one rainy day next semester I�ll make a chart of my priorities. In the meantime I�ll try and stick to this rule and hopefully all this will payoff someday, but as I already know, along with everyone else reading this, it wont�

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