2005-01-20 - 4:05 p.m.

�procrastination...a friendly enemy�

We all do it�we all have, in some way, a tendency to complete are goals and task last minute. It�s part of human nature for we as organism are lazy by nature. You know you can�t deny it, no matter what you say. I�ve always wondered� what�s the root causes that lead to procrastination and why must so many of us result to such methods? Well, after much thought, I have come to a conclusion as to why I am like this. The answer is rather simple; I am naturally lazy and no longer hold the capacity of motivating myself, planning takes to much effort and doing things last minute no longer adds the pressure needed for me to pursue my goals. For the past few months I have lost the capacity to care about the things that I once held dearly, I�ve changed and there�s nothing I can do. My friends and family are still an essential aspect in my life�but anything for myself has lost all value and ambition in obtaining it ultimately causing a loss of all ties. This loss of caring has resulted in removing the last minute pressure that had once pressured me in to finishing my assignments�but with the loss of that pressure it�s now easier just to sit and watch the due dates go by for the guilt is gone.

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